Friday, March 27, 2009


March 27,2009
I was all excited today because my "what lies beneath" final piece is finally done. However, when I got home, I found out that the file which I saved the scan of the piece is corrupted, thus I was unable to upload and show it to you at this time. Hopefully, I'll get it up by next week!

Anyway, on this blog I'd like to suggest this really good movie for you to see. It's a Japanese flim which had just won the Oscar for best foreign picture eariler this year. Yes, it's "Okuribito" or "Departures". Though, it's a drama, the movie has its comedies that can make you laugh out loud ,and Masahiro Motoki (who played Daigo) and Ryoko Hirosue (Mika) gave a really wholesome and cute performance as a young married couple (especially the scene where Daigo has a nervous break down is incredibly romantic and sexy). I've always been a fan of Asian cinema, their slow story telling and unsaid conversations between characters are just some of the elements I find so charming about them. Anyhoo, if you're a fan of (good)movies, see it.

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